May 12, 2008



Knight Family said...

usually I am not a fan of roses, but you got some great shots! The color and lighting is great :-) It makes the rose look appealing!

Anonymous said...

1. Love this shot!!! Great detail and lighting. The depth of field is great. Detail can be seen all the way through. Composition is really good. The texture and color are excellent. One of my favorite shots.

2. I really like the composition on this one. A very unique angle. I like seeing the veins in the petal. I like the soft look.

3. Great composition, maybe a little too blurry, but I really like the shot alot.

4. Good composition again, and great lighting and the detail is great. Love the texture on the rose.

It looks like you're getting more comfortable with the macro.

As always, I'm impressed.
