May 12, 2008

Scenic Pictures from the cabin

These pictures were taken during our stay in Munds Park. We had a great weekend and I think I got a few decent shots.


Knight Family said...

Awesome! As I scrolled through the pictures they kept getting better and better! My favorite is the night one with the moon peeking in - lots of emotion. Gosh I can't wait to be able to catch some shots like these now :-)

Another fine digitally impaired product said...

Great shots. I like the oak leaf, the cabin at night, and the first two rose shots the best.

Anonymous said...

1. Detail is really good on the plant. Lighting is good. Not my favorite, but overall well done.

2. I really like this one. I love the colors and the textures. Good composition and lighting.

3. One of my favorites. Very compelling shot. I like the isolation of the flower. It really makes it stick out. Beautiful shot.

4. Another one of my favorites. The lighting is very dramatic and the detail in the leaf is great. Good sharpness and contrast. Very beautiful shot.

5. I like the composition and subject. I personally would like a little more detail on the tree on the right and sharpness. The tree on the right side is a little too dark for my taste.

6. Is it the moon or the sun? Either way it's a great shot. Very moody and great feeling. Good exposure on this one. Nicely done.

7. Cool looking night shot. It looks like a really cool place to hang out.

8. I always like these shots, good exposure and contrast.

Hope this helps,