March 10, 2008

A few old, a few new, part 2


Anonymous said...

Hey Angela,

Thanks for telling me about the class. I'm considering it because Gilbert doesn't offer any photography courses. Is this through Scottsdale Park and Recs and is it at the Horizon Community Center?

I know what you mean about not wanting to mess with your photos too much, and I felt the same way for a long time until I realized that most photos you see in the magazines and being sold are heavily modified either through the printing process or digitally. The main thing they do is saturate the colors more to give it more punch or they use filters on their cameras to give it a more dramatic look. It's a tough call because neither film nor digital photography can capture the range of color in light that the human eye can. I guess it kinda makes up for it.

On to the photos!!!

1. Awfully cute! The lighting is very dramatic and effective. The shadow on the side of his face is just exposed enough to show his eye and face detail. His expression is great as well and leaves me wondering what he was thinking, probably about the goldfish he's eating!!! The only part I would change is the background of the couch, but you can't really. You have to take the shot when you can!!! Overall, excellent job.

2. I like the arrangement and the white flower in the middle. Exposure and focus is great. You do have a little cloth or something showing in the lower right that is somewhat distracting. The only thing I would have added, and you probably don't have access to any kinda of lighting kit is a rim light from the back to make the edges of the flowers stand out even more, but again I don't have access to that kinda of stuff either. Overall, technically well done and beautiful arrangement.

3. I like the composition and exposure. The depth of field is great with a nice blurring of the background. I like the angle you chose. The only thing I'm not sure of is the kid on the left is kinda leading my eye up and away from the subject. If his head did not extend out of the picture I think it would have been okay because the lines from the wall draw it back down. Other than that, I like the texture of the hair, the clothes and the grass. Overall, great photo.

I'll post the other comments with the other pictures below.

I hope this helps, and I really like you eye for interesting and compelling shots. You definitely see like a photographer!!! On your other blog, you have some great shots there as well and I think you definitely have the composition and exposure control down. Just little things that are always hard to get right!!!


P.S. Thanks for the comments on mine!

Anonymous said...

Hey Angela,

I signed up for the class on Thursdays and am really looking forward to it. I've been dying to take another photography course, so again thanks for the tip. Anyways have fun in Boston and have a safe trip. I've always wanted to visit there. I've only been to Baltimore and Pennsylvania. Anyway, there should be some good photograph opportunities up there if you got time.
